Another reason for this page is to express my appreciation to the

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I have met a lot of people, gotten a lot of loving support and encouragement from all the wonderful folks in this weight loss group. One of my very best friends started this group..on a whim. Kathy Kramer was looking for a diet buddy to talk about the trials and tribulations of trying to lose weight. She thought she would just get a few folks interested in sharing stories and swapping ideas about her exercise plan and eating plan.

However, Kathy was very surprised! In a matter of a few months this little group, had grown into a LARGE number of folks..from all walks of life, and from all over the world! Soon, Kathy had to turn to a listserv to handle the huge amounts of mail coming in every day.

The Net Loss Club doesn't adhere to any one food plan, or exercise plan. Each individual follows the plan that works best for them. There are no advertisements allowed and the group members take care of each other with a sort of "warm-fuzzy approach", as was stated in the Weight Watchers Jan/Feb magazine.

One of her original members, Morris Katzoff, decided to start a new group called The Magic of Believing, for those folks who had more than 100 pounds to lose...but interest in that group grew quickly as well, so he opened the group to any who were interested. Later he also started another group..with his original idea in place, called the Circle of Hope. Other groups began to spin off of these original groups..and there is now a sort of family of weight loss groups.

If you are interested in finding the encouragement and caring of a Great group of people, come on...


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